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Welcome to Investment Portal of Podkarpackie Voivodship

Information obout investment possibilities in Podkarpackie region

can be found here


Foreign Investments in Podkarpackie Voivodship

There are many reasons for investing in Poland and esecially in Podkarpackie Voivodship such as low labour costs,  well-qualified workers, potential of the population apply specifically to the region. The potential of the Polish market is recognized as one of the most important reasons for locating new investments here. If a foreign investor wants to find the appropriate place for manufacturing of goods then Podkarpackie is the best market to achieve this. One of the biggest advantages of the region is low cost of premises and greenfields. Rzeszów and other centres can provide investors with exclusive office accommodation, production and warehousing.

Investment in Poland can also provide the base from which to expand activity into the NIS-countries. Podkarpackie Voivodship boast 10 important border crossings that offer direct access to this potential market. The Voivodship also possesses a diversified transport infrastructure that provides good international access. The province is situated on a major communication's cross-roads that can positively influence conditions for development.

Other good reasons for locating new investment in Podkarpackie include the willingness of local companies to co-operate with foreign business, investment incentives available especially in two Special Economic Zones, stable legal system and raw material availability.




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