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How to invest in AEROPOLIS

How to invest in Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS?



Investment Projects that are planned to be set up on the area of  Podkarpackie Science and Technology AEROPOLIS and fulfill the below criteria, will be given priority in the process of issuing localization permissions:

  • High level of innovativeness,
  • Employing of high-qualified staff,
  • Representing one of branches strategic for development of the Region i.e. aviation industry, IT, automotive, electro-machining, biotechnology and chemistry,
  • Focusing on environment protection issues.


The correspondence of investment projects with aims and profile of the Park as well as with criteria mentioned above will be assessed during a process consisting of two stages:

  • During the first stage the investment projects will be assessed by the Managing Board of Rzeszów Agency of Regional Development Co. The projects that, in the opinion of the Board, will correspond to all the rules mentioned above will be assessed by the Council of the Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park. The Council consists of authorities from the region, scientists, local politicians, economists and it is an advisory body to the Managing Board of the Rzeszów Regional Development Agency Co.
  • During the second stage the Managing Board of Rzeszów Regional Development Agency Co. will take the final decision concerning permission on setting up a company in Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS on the basis of the opinion of the Council. After taking up the decision it is possible to begin the procedure of selling a site. On the areas which are incorporated in Special Economic Zone the tender procedure is conducted by SSE EURO-PARK MIELEC.


The Council of the Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park performs its duties on the basis of A Code of Conduct and it gathers according to need, but not less than once per three months.


A company interested in investing in the AEROPOLIS has to complete Investor Application. The application form should include detail and reliable description of the company, types of activities and the most important part of the application a description of the planned investment. The Investor Application provides the Managing Board of Rzeszów Regional Development Agency Co. with basis for assessment of the investment project and then the Investor Application is assessed by the Council of the Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park.

When the assessment process is completed applicants are informed about its results.


Please send completed application form to the following address:


Invard Investment Centre
Szopena 51

35-959 Rzeszów
tel. +48 17 852 43 76
tel./fax +48 17 852 43 74







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